Science Dome is designed to explore science, geology and geography in an interactive way with a mobile planetarium and Biodome with rocks, dinosaurs and environment sessions.
We cater to your needs either for indoor set ups or outdoors big or small events. Having years of experience working for numerous schools, big festivals and local events. We cover the whole of the UK and are the biggest portable pop-up planetarium and science dome business in the country.
Planetarium Service
We provide a fully digital mobile planetarium and natural history shows (rocks/ fossils and dinosaurs) to schools, colleges, youth clubs, scouts groups and playgroups. The service is provided in a blacked-out purpose built mobile domes which can be sited indoors using a school hall. Our domes are the most advanced digital domes in the country capable of showing 360 degree pictures and feature films.
We can complete a planetarium at your school either virtually from a remote location or a open dome using a wide screen or your bubble Year Group in an inflatable air circulated planetarium dome.
We operate seven mobile digital domes from our bases in Bournemouth, Wimborne Dorset, Brighton, Trowbridge, London, Leeds, and Newark in Lincs. We cover the whole of the UK and are the biggest portable pop-up planetarium and science dome business in the country.
Our domes can cater for a large event up to 60 people with special multimedia equipment and lens to provide a spectacular show for entertainment and education. All our mobile domes are fully digital capable of showing full dome films and an interactive solar system across the dome.

A full day visit costing in the range of £580 (excluding VAT) with a typical day including up to five class shows. Half day rate is £480 for three shows. Normally we can get to your school for the basic price of £580 excluding VAT, without supplements, unless far distance.
For Bournemouth area £530 (excluding vat)- Local BCP Council price discount from Sept 2024.
Domes are based at the following locations:
Bournemouth, Wimborne Dorset, Brighton, Trowbridge, London, Leeds, and Newark in Lincoln.
Please be aware that we charge a travel and hotel supplement, if we are required to travel a distance from a base. Normally we can get to your school for the basic price of £530 excluding VAT, without supplements, unless far distance.
We may charge extra for a sixth show during the day. If your school is located near one of our dome bases (see above), then we may be able to come for a half day. Please apply for half day rates.
We do not charge extra for bigger domes-- same price for all domes apart from outside domes.
Visit our website to explore all the topics we cover with our portable planetarium for schools, groups, events and festivals.
Click the link below to book
OR Phone no: 01202 304734
Or Facebook site (full pictures and videos)
Award Winning 'Fractal' Programme comes to the Science Dome
Fractals is the spectacular, award-winning fulldome planetarium show that takes viewers on a tour of the fractals in nature and zooms through infinitely complex mathematical fractals. Featuring original music, the show is both educational and highly entertaining, and suitable for audiences 3 and up.
In addition we have two special 'Outside Domes' for large events and fairs, now available. Our aim with the outside domes, is to make astronomy accessible to the public.
Click the link below for the special school programme website
Looking for other workshops - Full details of the whole range of workshops on website